Centrala – every book matters is born on 2007 in Poland, specialising in comic books. Since there, you grew up considerably, expanding yourself in Berlin and London. What changed from your beginning activities? What are your future plans?
You are very well informed – Centrala every book matters was born in 2007 in Poland, later on in 2014 we started publishing in England and from 2017 in Czech Republic. Throughtout the years we were learning from our mistakes. Unfortunatelly we could not take all of the ambitious project we came across because of the reality of the publishing world. However we did not give up and we still create comic book culture and publish smart comics about life in a very beatiful, carefull manner.
What are the comic genres you prefer and why? How a normal comic author could be noticed from you?
Our comic books are always connected with reality. We are publishing artists from East Europe and from Scandinavian countries. We are looking for new artists, regardless of the fact that unknown artist are often not recognised, unappreciated and rewarded for their achivments. We do not focus on the winning comic books. We are bringing new oportunities and giving new chances for talented new beginers. This is what Frame Festival is all about. There are two competitiones coming up. First one is for the new short comic book, the theme is ‘Last Tree’. Second one ‘ Frame Pitching’. From all sent enquires and ideas for coming comic books 9 artist are choosen. The chosen artist have free flight and accomodetion on Praque and the winner will be published in few languages from East Europe, as well as English.
Why did you decide to come in Ratatà festival?
We decided to come to Ratata Festival because we have the urge to get to know the italian festivales. We hope that our comic books will be welcomed there. Besides we are friends with the Canicola publishers and we very much appreciate their work. We hope we will get the chance to get to know more wonderful intalian arists.
Can you send a greeting for Macerata and Ratatà?
A very warm welcome from Centrala every books matters to all artists, publishers and visitors of Ratata fesitval.
Michele Catinari